Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Wah! RM10 million you say?

Yes ....! Me got money....Yes.....! RM 10 Million....yes!

It appears that there is a major storm brewing in the BN camp. Not only the PR fellas are going bonkers these days but our chaps from the BN are also going nuts. There is this chap who happens to be the backbenchers' club president saying he gave one minister and current MCA president RM10 Million. Wah.....! Money cash... woh! 3 payments woh! So how now?
In Selangor allocations of about RM 2,000 can bring the MACC to investigate you. Now got allegations of RMN10 million how? Got MACC probe or not? Why the MACC so quiet one ah?
Aiyah.....we wait and seelah what the future holds!
M V Nathan

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Watch our Selangor!

Mr 1 Malaysia says Selangor I want you!

Oh dear...why do i fear that the state of Selangor is soon going down the way Perak did? Maybe because it is due to the statements our beloved PM 1 Malaysia made recently that Selangor is coveted by him.
Remember how the PM was grinning from ear to ear when the 3 frogs were playing musical chairs in Perak? Is this too the fate of Selangor in the near future? Hmmm.....I wonder!
Anyway I am concerned about the issue of selling beer in Selangor that is blowing out of proportion these days. Didn't the previous BN state government also allow the sale of beer in Selangor before? I don't recall a fuss being kicked about as a result of this. It is so weird! I would have thought that the "people that always care" for others would want to eradicate the abuse of drugs and incest/rape in Selangor first. But no appears that beer is public enemy number one in Selangor for now.
Anyway......what do i know rite ?
M V Nathan

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Oh Utusan....why?

The new 1 Malaysia brand of journalism?

I have not been writing for a while now. I am caught up with so many things that the juices don't quite flow to spur me to write. Maybe growing old also lah!

Anyway I just had to write about the UMNO owned newspaper known to all as Utusan Malaysia. It is simply amazing how this newspaper is still being allowed to publish. The vile and venom it publishes is pure rubbish in the plural Malaysian society context. The style of "journalism" promoted by this newspaper smacks nothing more than being mere racist. It is a racist paper. Its editors and journalists responsible for producing the garbage that it calls "social commentaries" are nothing more than racists.

I quote an example of its brand of journalism " Orang Melayu, Raja-Raja Melayu dan Kumpulan Utusan Melayu yang selama ini sangat bersabar dan sentiasa sangat berhati-hati menjaga hati orang Cina dan India, sudah tidak boleh tahan lagi."

Another example would be "Akan tetapi semua seruan dan amaran hanya tinggal dalam lipatan akhbar Utusan Malaysia sahaja. Orang Melayu tidak bangun bangun juga. Pertubuhan Melayu - yang lama dan baru - hanya sekadar mengeluarkan kenyataan marah-marah dan membuat laporan polis sahaja. GAPENA yang menganjurkan Kongres Perpaduan Melayu yang sangat besar dan penuh bersemangat pun, sampai sekarang tidak nampak sebarang tindakan. Pemimpin Umno, termasuk Pemuda pun sekadar mengeluarkan kenyataan dan amaran sahaja.

I am not putting any more examples here. Its so repulsive.

Maybe this is what our PM Najib is talking about when he goes around saying "1 Malaysia". I call it a JOKE!

M V Nathan