Thursday, December 4, 2008

Ha-Ha!!! Good one sir!

Ha-Ha!! I like that joke sir.....You funny lah!
I like what the IGP was reported to have said yesterday. He says politicians must learn to obey the law otherwise the criminals will also not obey the law! Duh...? Since when do the criminals obey the law ? That is why they are criminals....You see otherwise they wont be criminals would they ? Too complexed for you huh Sir?
Anyway the point that the IGP was trying to make was, to advise all politicians not to go round demonstrating. He says that this is "destructive" behaviour. Sorry lah Mr IGP.....I cant disagree more with you on this score. I tell you what "destructive" behaviour is. It is when politicians continue to spew their venom and pit the races against one another...that is destructive. It is also destructive when the so called leaders make utter fools of themselves whilst debating in Parliament. When there is corruption and breaches of trust and no one is held accountable... that is destructive!
In my books when some individuals fed up with the current stale and rotten affairs of state decide to have peaceful demonstrations in some padang somewhere, is ok with me. Nothing wrong here. It is a right enshrined in the Constitution to assemble peacefully. Funny when only certain individuals are arrested for this "destructive" act. Mr IGP, how many demonstrators did your boys arrest when the bar council had their recent forum on conversions? How many were arrested when the Bar council had their forum on the ISA the other day? Maybe a case of double standards sir ?
I tell you what Mr IGP.....try going for breakfast in the mamak shop near the PGA headquarters at Cheras (Batu 9). The shop is patronised mostly by the boys in blue there. Despite big signs in Bahasa Malaysia (and in red) stating "DILARANG MEROKOK" you can see our boys in blue happily puffing on their cigarettes there! The police is exempted from the law in such shops is it Sir ? Don't take my word Sir.....go there and see for yourself ! So if the police cant/wont obey the law, will the average Samy, Tajuddin and Chor on the street then will ?
M V Nathan

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