Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Yes ! PR won the 2 bukits!

Yes! I believe I can fly........
Yes ! It happened at the 2 Bukits ! The Rakyat has clearly rejected the BN in the 2 by elections. To tell the truth I was a little concerned for the 2 Bukits. I was worried that the media blitz by the BN would have played a major role in the elections. Well you know what... the Rakyat is apparently very smart. They rejected the BN. That my friends, is a fact now. Never mind that the PR lost in Batang Ai, for that one was an uphill battle from the moment go.
But these losses of the BN in the 2 Bukits is something to be rejoiced by all right thinking people. The message is clear. The Rakyat is so BOSAN with the stupid antics by the BN. The time to be accountable and transparent is now beholden upon us.
I heard over the radio this morning that Muhyiddin Yasin the UMNO deputy President was saying that the BN will conduct a post mortem to ascertain why the BN had lost. I tell you what Sir...Tak Payah post mortem. The answer is plain and obvious for all to see. All the bullying and corruption done in the past has not gone down well with the Rakyat. That is why you people lost. The BN has grown so arrogant that it has lost all grounding with the Rakyat!
So to that former PM I have this to say....better go tend to your garden and play with your grand children in your old age. Tak payah menyibuk nak jadi advisorlah ! Buang masa. WE ARE SO SICK OF YOUR ANTICS BOTH PAST AND PRESENT! Should the PR be the government of Malaysia some day, they ought to prosecute you for your past deeds.
Now that the message has been delivered loud and clear to the BN government (not once but twice), the question arises as to whether the BN is going to change for a better Malaysia or is it going to be adamant of its past ways ? One thing is for sure, if the BN does not reform, come the next general elections the BN would be reduced to being the opposition rather than the government!
Cant wait for the day!
M V Nathan

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