Monday, May 24, 2010

Where are the champions now?

Says our PM!

I don't know about you ...... but i am against it. To me there are enough avenues for those that want to indulge in this "extra curricular" activity. Every week ada Magnum, Kuda, Toto and lottery draws and if still tak puas you can also go to Genting where you can gamble till you drop 24/7.
Some say that Malaysia being an Islamic nation is the pride of all other Islamic nations. I don't know about you guys lah but the last time I checked gambling was still not permitted in that religion. Now where are the two clowns that usually champion this religion in the past? Ya you know who I mean....that fella lah wearing that skull cap...whats his name Zul N? And just where is that other champion Ibrahim A?
Why don't you two chaps go and storm the PM's office and demand that this nonsense be stopped? If I remember correctly that Zul N even stormed the Bar Council building previously on the pretext of protecting Islam. Why are you champions now so quiet?
No b***s is it?
MV Nathan

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