Thursday, June 17, 2010

One funny dude this PM!

You are one funny dude Sir!

I cant help laughing at the recent comments made by our beloved One Malaysia PM. He says that there will be zero tolerance to racist remarks being made by anyone. Seriously Sir where have you been? I suggest that you take a recent copy of Utusan Malaysia and read it out aloud at some One Malaysia function that you regularly attend these days. Lets see if everyone agrees with your recent statement then!
Perhaps Sir you may have also not heard and seen this chap by the name of Ibrahim Ali and his Perkasa chaps making statements lately. Perhaps you had been too busy lately to notice the many others that continue to make racist remarks and get away with it. If I remember correctly wasnt it one of your aides that was accused of making racist remarks at a One Malaysia function in Melaka recently? Was there Zero tolerance then? Was he charged with any offence to illustrate how your government tolerates zero tolerance to such people?
I say if there is zero tolerance than it should ACTUALLY BE ZERO TOLERANCE! It should be applicable across the board. No two ways about it. Our country can ill afford having racist clowns running down the country side fanning hatred and racist ideals in a country like ours.
MV Nathan

Monday, June 7, 2010

This new Minister is funny!

You crack me up sir! Surely you must be joking!

There is a new joker in town who is masquerading as the new Transport Minister. This is what he is supposed to have said yesterday. I quote from the Malaysian Insider " Newly-appointed Transport Minister Datuk Seri Kong Cho Ha today said the previous investigation into the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) issue was sufficient, thus further investigation into it was not necessary.
However, he said, he would take time to study the issue to understand all about the scandal
“I think (we have) enough of the investigation, enough of all the study. All had been done on this issue so I don’t think there is any need for further re-look into it,” he told reporters when asked to comment on the issue.
Hello Minister we still don't know the who, what and how yet! There is much to do. Anyway since you had already decided not to investigate then why do you need to take time to study the issue to understand all about the scandal?
Well it appears that having intelligence is not one of the pre conditions to being appointed as a Minister in this country!
M V Nathan

Ada lesen judi bola or not?

That day say got..... today say not yet! Apalah U ni!
Welcome to the latest Bolehland news. According to the mainstream media reports, our beloved 1Malaysia PM has said that the sports betting licence has yet to be issued. What has been informed to the public thus far is that there are only plans for sports betting and the government is awaiting for public views and feedback. What nonsense! By all accounts there is a certain Tan Sri who had announced that his company had been issued a sports betting licence. Now PM say "belum lagi"!. Which is which now?
That Tan Sri chap has also announced that he will donate RM525 million to charity from the proceeds of his sports betting. Ha-ha! What a joke this is turning out to be! Absolute nonsense again. First I take your money away by the lure of instant riches....then I try to help you when you try to commit suicide after being made penniless by me. Ok what.... You help me and I help you!
Only happens in Bolehland I guess.
MV Nathan

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Cabinet reshuffle you say sir?

Ahh...I am so sweet! Cabinet reshufle can include me ah?

What a cabinet we Malaysians have these days. Many are not even elected by the people! Many in the cabinet announced by our beloved One Malaysia PM had actually lost in the GE of 2008. Malaysia being land of "mesti boleh" must find a way to accommodate and "cari jalan". Aiyah where got problem one....simply make them losers all senators loh! No problem what?
Another method employed in making Cabinet reshuffles Malaysian style is this. First get rid of OTK because he is causing too much problem for us because of PKFZ. Then bring in one of the suspects alleged to have been part of the PKFZ fiasco and make him a minister. Simple what. Solve all the problem what?
Who cares what the Rakyat thinks?
M V Nathan