Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Please...Please give us another chance!

I guess the silly season is well and truly upon us. The "monkeys" are yet again begging us for another chance. "We can change...sure wan!"..."Only we care for you...others fool you"! " We are One monkey together"! 

My response to the "monkeys" are as follows :-
1) You can change ? Why need to change if all this while you claim to have done things to the best of your ability, honestly and with utmost sincerity? What is there to change?

2) Only you care? Ha-Ha!!! Surely you kid me?

3) One monkey together? Aiyoh... some time you say the green monkey must be protected for it is their right! Then you say all of us blue and red monkeys are in it together...... We are ONE you say! Aiyah................. You confuse us. Perhaps that is your game plan?

Anyway I am fed up of your monkey ways and tricks. Get out and stay OUT! 

MV Nathan

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