Thursday, January 22, 2009

Happy Chinese New Year!

Happy Chinese New Year to all !To all who are celebrating the New Year " Gong Xi Fa Cai"! Have a good time and may the new year bring much happiness, good health and prosperity to all! Drive safe everyone. Take care and be well and happy always!

M V Nathan

p/s I will be away again. Going back to Melakalah! Be back to KL on the 2/2/09.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Maybe there is hope...... ?

Dare we hope that the BN government is listening ?
I was amazed to find out that the Race Relations Act proposed by some idiot in government is not going to take off. I was relieved to read about how the cabinet has decided to scrap this nonsensical piece of legislation. Maybe those dungus in the government are listening to the rakyat after all. Dare we hope ? Whatever it is, Thank you Gomen. You cabinet fellas deserve a pat on the back for this. I mean it!
Now for the negative report. That clown who is in charge of the law or the de facto law minister has started his usual bloopers again. He has been accused of being incapable of talking intelligently in the past. Well I dare say I cant blame those who accuse him of such. Anyway it appears that our genius has again criticised the Bar for coming up with the separation of the AG's dual roles i.e one of Public Prosecutor and the other of being an adviser to the government. The Minister has been quoted making statements like " The Government's position is simple. The AG is also the Public Prosecutor." He then also accused the Bar for making the suggestions to obtain "cheap publicity". Funny how some people hold such high posts and yet are clearly incapable of making reasoned and intelligent responses when confronted with issues. Mouthing off stupid remarks are all they are capable of. Hmmm.... just weird!
Thanks to "learned" ministers like these, it is no wonder the BN continually gets beat lately. Keep it up BN and very soon you blokes will be confined to the history books. Maybe then we can start those books by saying "once upon a time........
M V Nathan

Monday, January 19, 2009

Tsunami rolls on!

The political Tsunami rolls on!

I have resisted writing on the KT by elections. I thought best not to write anything beacuse I was just simply repulsed reading the coverage in the local mainstream media. It was slanted and biased from day one. Honestly I thought the opposition was going to be whacked but how wrong was I! The reverse happened. BN got whacked I think!
Anyway, they just don't get it isn't it ? All the fat blokes in the BN are still under some self induced delusion that the Rakyat are still with them. These sad, pathetic lot seem to be in some sort of self denial that their sad old tunes still warm the hearts of the rakyat when quite the opposite is true. The honest truth in the matter is that despite the onslaught of all the BN led government propaganda machine, the Rakyat yet again chose not to be represented by BN. Despite all the money and the "lure" of better things for the future, the Rakyat still chose not to elect the BN representative. I sense that the wise people of KT had enough of the sad old BN policies and decided to vote for the opposition.
Are we to fault them ? Is the political Tsunami going to take over the sad state of Sarawak next ? I guess we have to wait and see.
M V Nathan

Thursday, January 15, 2009

That trial is on again !

Amazing trial !

I have been made aware that a certain trial is on again. To me this trial is a sham. There are simply too many questions and simply not too many answers. Sham of a trial I say. No....I am not going to say which trial. That would be sub judice wouldnt it ?
Anyway I have asked many average John, Samy and Aziz about the trial. I found it amazing that all seem to have a somewhat similar response. They seem to think"....ala boss semua sudah kasi kau timlah! Mana ada betul punya! Dia kasi kita wayang kulit saja!"
Need I say more ?
M V Nathan

Explanation required!

Care to explain Mr Former AG ?

I read with much interest the letter published in yesterday's News Straits Times written by one Abdul Razak Abu Samah. The letter speaks volumes as to the will of the Government in wanting to see real change in the Judiciary. The writer says that the government and the former AG has much to explain for the Judicial crisis of 1988. He says that it is incumbent on the former AG i.e. Tan Sri Abu Talib to explain why he prosecuted in the first place when no right thinking lawyer would have done so ! He also adds that the former AG owes the people of Malaysia and the Judiciary an explanation as to what happened then. I happen to agree with the writer on all points raised in the letter. I say sometimes you have to go backwards in order to go forward in peace !
The so called reforms that are going to be/being introduced by the Government presently falls short of the mark by my reckoning. I say that should the government be really honest and sincere about wanting to see real reforms be made to the Judiciary it must begin by going back in time to explain the happenings of the 1988 Judicial fiasco. Then it must do the right thing. Mere explanations are not sufficient. In any case of wrongdoing it must then take the initiative to prosecute and bring to book all those who were responsible for the decline of our Judiciary.
The government must also take the initiative to bring to book all those involved in the "Lingam tapes". Enough time has lapsed for the investigation and even the initiation of bringing charges against all the "actors" in that ugly episode. To dilly dally and say "semua masih dalam siasatan" and "we will take action in due course" is absolute rubbish.Things are moving to slowly to my liking presently.
Hellooo..... Gomen semua tidurkah ?
M V Nathan

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

So sorry !

Minta maaf ok semua!

I am back. Finally I have my computer again. My computer was attacked by virusses and the poor thing just crashed and died. It was sad to see it die. I had to get it in in a way it has a new "birth" you could say. Ha-ha!
Anyway... the past few days have been hectic with me. I had been involved in a trial that caries the death penalty should my client be found guilty. The defence has been called in this matter. That would mean that my client had to adduce his defence for the court's consideration. In law there are 3 options available to him. He chose the option of giving evidence on oath.
Now you might be wondering why am I writing all this here, at this point. I was shocked you see!I was shocked enough for me to post this. I was caught with my pants down when the learned judge asked me to make my closing submissions after I had closed the case for the defence!. Normally the judge would give us another date to come back to court to make our submissions on the law and the facts. This is a very important part of any criminal trial. I then asked the learned judge for more time to enable me to do the needful. I was shocked when he said ok.... we start tomorrow at 10.00am! The time then was already almost 4.30pm and by the time I got into the car after obtaining the notes of evidence it was way past 5.30pm in the evening. As I was driving back I became angry. I was angry as to how the judge could ask me to submit the next day on the excuse that he has strict instructions from the CJ that he has to finish the case ASAP!
I was caught between two minds. To submit would mean "melepaskan batuk kat tangga"...or in other words submit just to please the judge and not do justice to my client who is fighting for his life. It was whilst driving that I decided that I was not going to make my submissions the next day. I was going to inform the learned judge that I was not adequately prepared to submit on a very difficult case which carries the death penalty upon conviction. To do so would mean I would be not discharging my duties to the best of my abilities and to give my client the best possible defence in law.The next day I stood up in court and argued as to why I needed more time to prepare and make my submissions. After some resistance from the judge he finally relented and gave me a month.
The point I am making here is this....Just because you have instructions from your boss do you follow them strictly without considering the implications ? Do you not consider accused persons as "persons" and refer them as part of the list of cases that one has to dispose off expeditiously ? Have we all lost our sense of compassion ?
M V Nathan

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year 2009

Happy New Year semua !

I pray that the new year brings much needed good news for all of us Malaysians. That would necessarily mean less lying and bull shitting by the politicians, less corruption, less abuses of power etc.... I pray that there is peace and harmony amongst the many races of this nation. Together WE can. Together we can make Malaysia truly great!


M V Nathan