Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Maybe there is hope...... ?

Dare we hope that the BN government is listening ?
I was amazed to find out that the Race Relations Act proposed by some idiot in government is not going to take off. I was relieved to read about how the cabinet has decided to scrap this nonsensical piece of legislation. Maybe those dungus in the government are listening to the rakyat after all. Dare we hope ? Whatever it is, Thank you Gomen. You cabinet fellas deserve a pat on the back for this. I mean it!
Now for the negative report. That clown who is in charge of the law or the de facto law minister has started his usual bloopers again. He has been accused of being incapable of talking intelligently in the past. Well I dare say I cant blame those who accuse him of such. Anyway it appears that our genius has again criticised the Bar for coming up with the separation of the AG's dual roles i.e one of Public Prosecutor and the other of being an adviser to the government. The Minister has been quoted making statements like " The Government's position is simple. The AG is also the Public Prosecutor." He then also accused the Bar for making the suggestions to obtain "cheap publicity". Funny how some people hold such high posts and yet are clearly incapable of making reasoned and intelligent responses when confronted with issues. Mouthing off stupid remarks are all they are capable of. Hmmm.... just weird!
Thanks to "learned" ministers like these, it is no wonder the BN continually gets beat lately. Keep it up BN and very soon you blokes will be confined to the history books. Maybe then we can start those books by saying "once upon a time........
M V Nathan

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