Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Some people never change !

Some people just never know when not to talk!

It is rather sad to note that the Jerlun MP Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir had remarked that vernacular schools should be abolished. But wait.... now he say that he has been misquoted. He now says that... "I said that the system should be one. I don't think the issue of closing school arises.That is the last thing I want". I don't know about you, but if you have only "one" system wouldn't that necessarily mean that there are no other school systems left. If that is the case would it mean that there would no longer be vernacular schools ? Hello... apa you cakap ni ? When in a tight spot confuse everyone is it ? So very clever la you!

Some people say that it is because of the vernacular schools that Malaysia is being more polarised today! I say bollocks to all who say that. Look the vernacular school system is not the reason why Malaysia is turning into a more polarised society today. There are many reasons for this. I would be looking very silly if I were to attempt to list every possible reason here. I tell you what...I will be bold enough to say one of the main reasons that Malaysia is more polarised today than ever before is because of stupid politicians that open their mouths and speak absolute nonsense every time they open their mouths! These politicians are still living in the dark ages and mind you they are still advocating their ridiculously absurd time warped policies even now! Somehow they fail to realise that there is a new Malaysia today. This new Malaysia has new ideas and aspirations that clearly rejects the racist policies of the past. My dear politicians ...please wake up and smell the bunga raya! There is a new dawn and you sad relics of the past are in the way of a better Malaysia for all; irrespective of race, creed and religion!

M V Nathan

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