Sunday, February 22, 2009

The boys in blue are in the news again!

Yah man....I am the law! I am the law onto myself! You apa tanya ?

It is strange how the cops keep getting reported in the news for the wrong reasons time and again. Remember Kuhan ? Remember how restrained they are in "protecting public order" when certain clowns conduct demonstrations but certain others kena "tarok" real bad ? Remember how the Bandar Putri Mahkkota Cheras incident went ? Remember how some residents said the police were actually "looting" when the landslides happened at Bukit Antarabangsa ? Remember how the cops decided to arrest the newspaper reporter for "her own protection" ? Remember ?
Anyway the news regarding the boys in blue in the papers today again is not so "wangilah"! There is this story about how a baby had been raped and sodomised. The traumatised family of the child had lodged a police report regarding the crime. Guess what..... the family alleges that the investigating officer had been rude to them and had even insinuated that they could have hurt the child themselves! Amazing! To add insult to injury the City Police Chief had requested the family to lodge another police report, so that the allegation could also be investigated by the police! Just weird! You go lodge a complaint at the same authority that is being complained about! Simply defies logic. I say it is about time this country has the independent police commission to enquire into matters. Investigating one's own self is absurd. Period!
Then there is the other incident where the policemen escorting a remand prisoner being tried for a capital offence gets away whilst being in handcuffs! He is reported to have "pushed" the cops aside and then "cabut lari". The police manhunt initiated to hunt the escapee also could not track him down. Just amazing isn't it ? Suspicious even, I dare say!
I am not going to comment on the recent fatal shooting incident by the police in Kedah recently.... I think the facts speaks for themselves. Res Ipsa Loquitor!
The MACC is no better I think. According to reports, the investigations against the Selangor MB have been completed. What do they then do ? They publicly announce that there is prima facie evidence against the MB for corruption and said that prosecutions would be in order. These clowns are clearly beating the drums to the instructions and tune of their political masters! Why is it that until today all the investigations against the BN sharks have not been completed ? Even if completed the official version would be "not enough evidence" or "all is in order"! Simply amazing!
I guess to put it in a nutshell...."Malaysia Boleh"!
M V Nathan


Anonymous said...

Big shark dont want to catch.. itu beli lembu punya dia mahu tangkap.. WTF is that?

this country has turning into a circus.. i was at Kiasuland last week and their paper, comic and ppl all enjoying and making fun out of us..

God help us... Malaysian

bodhi said...

Yo HT!

The nets in Malaysia only good for catching ikan bilis!
