Monday, February 16, 2009

Gutter politics Malaysian style!

Malaysian politics in a bottle. !00% proof!
It is amazing the lengths some people will go to destroy other people's lives. Well in Malaysia it is truly Malaysia Boleh! The story regarding the Bukit Lanjan assemblywoman is sad. It clearly illustrates the kind of politics that Malaysians seem to be practising. Its terrible. Utter gutter politics I say !
By all accounts this particular assemblywoman was quite a dynamic and able representative of the people. I guess the poor lady had quite a few enemies as a result of being too efficient. The lowlife that circulated her nude pictures needs to be castrated I think. Look the lady was doing a good job and as a result of this nonsense she may end up resigning from all her posts. Sad! The end losers ? Yup, the Rakyat again!
All those who have been taking the moral high ground on this issue had better watch out. As the saying goes "what goes around comes around!" I am sure it is a matter of time before you will get a dose of what you have been dishing out. So you had better be careful.
But then again this is Malaysia where I have been informed that if you are a well connected politician you may get away with anything and everything ; heck even murder!
M V Nathan

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