Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Why are they not remanded ?

How so true !

I had not written anything on the controversy regarding the late Kugan's death previously. The late Kugan has been alleged to be a notorious car thief. He was also reported to have led the police to the recovery of some stolen vehicles. He is also alleged to be a member of a vicious gang. This is how the police including the lovable Home Minister a.k.a Mr ISA had described the late Kugan. The truth is we will now never know! We will never know if indeed Kugan was what he has been described to be. Anyway that is not the reason why I am writing this post. The reason I am writing this post is due to the fact that I am amazed how the investigation papers regarding Kugan's death has yet to be completed. The AG is reportedly not happy with the investigation papers that he has sent back the IP papers back to the police for more investigations. He is reported to have informed the police that "more detailed investigations are needed. The case has yet to be finalised".
I don't know about you, but this appears to be a quite straight forward case to be solved. The deceased was in the custody of the police in the police station. There were an ascertained number of policemen present during "investigations" of the deceased. Call them all in and get to the bottom of the matter. What else is missing ? Let's see now.....Any missing "assailants" ? Any possibility that Kugan left the station and got whacked by a possible rival gang? What does the post mortem report say ? I don't know about you but with due respect this case appears to be quite straight forward in solving.
In the meanwhile the policemen alleged to be involved in this case are all given cosy "desk job" functions until further notice, which I believe includes full pay. Mind you in this case the AG has already classified the case to be murder! If this is a possible murder case then why are the suspects in this murder case not remanded under S.117 of the CPC yet ? Why are these suspects then afforded the luxury of having "desk jobs" pending investigations ? Are they being treated differently because they happen to be policemen ?
I don't know about you but how can the police be in charge of investigations when they are said to be the alleged culprits in the first place ? Hmmmmm........
M V Nathan

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