Monday, May 19, 2008

Dr M has resigned from UMNO

I don't get it. I just don't get it! Why is this 83 year old man still hogging the news? Look the man is almost a century old. Well almost... so why are we still so intrigued with this man? The answer is simply because he had ruled Malaysia with an "iron fist"before. He still commands fear in many quarters. Many are still in awe of this man I think.
I think we have to move on. If he wants to resign from UMNO so be itlah. Let him be. He has "served" the nation for a long time now. Cukuplah! Time to concentrate on how to repair the damage of the Mahathir years. The judiciary is a place to start. The work has just begun so lets get cracking at it. Let the old man ramble on. Pay no heed to him.
We need to do so much so lets not get distracted by this one man and his silly antics. Lets move on and spur this wonderful nation of ours to greater heights.
M V Nathan

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