Monday, May 26, 2008

Why ?


To the Deputy Higher Education Minister all I can say at the moment is ... Why? Why did you have to use a language that you did not have sufficient proficiency (if at all!) in Parliament ? Why ? I just don't get it. It is rather silly I tell you. Are you also not aware that you are supposed to use the National Language in Parliament? It is things like this that turn people off!.Mind you, you are a deputy Minister of Higher Education! What kind of example are you trying to show to the young under your care! Shame on you! Enough said !!!
Moving on... something rather "interesting" caught my eye this morning in the NST. I like reading the NST I tell you. It is full of laughs! Anyway if you had seen the NST you would have seen a picture of our PM coming back from Japan.I had Deja Vu when I saw that picture. I would have seen the same picture a zillion times before with the former PM (Tun of course) receiving the same kind of greeting. Some things just dont change do they? People lining up to kiss your hands as soon as you get home. It is reported that a thousand people were there to greet our PM when he got back! This was when I started wondering... look the PM leaves the country from time to time to do his job, so why the need to organise such a lavish welcome every time? Dont these people have anything better to do? Some like the CM of my home state drove all the way from Melaka to welcome the PM back! Mr CM didnt you have other better things to do?... Like running a state! I wonder how many in the public gathering were there out of genuine love and concern for the welfare of our PM? Or were they there just to prove loyalty and to curry for favours? I dont know... just thinking out aloud here! One more thing the NST makes no mention was, if there had been a police permit applied for the said gathering. Was one applied for ? I am sure they would have applied for one.They must have. They are after all, the guardians of public law and order!!!
Just another day in Bolehland you say ?
M V Nathan

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