Monday, May 19, 2008

Happy Wesak

Today is a very significant day for Buddhists the world over. It is Wesak day. It is also known as Buddha day or Buddha Purnima day. Today Lord Buddha was born, gained his enlightenment and finally passed away in to Maha Parinibbana at the age of eighty. The Buddha's message of peace and compassion seems ever so relevant in a world that to me appears to be on self destruct mode. There is so much pain and suffering in the world today. Some are natural but most are man made.

Together I believe we can all make a change in this world. Each little effort that we put in to promote peace and harmony makes a difference. Together we can achieve so much. Together we can make a difference.

Peace and happiness always.

P/S I will write soon as to how i spent my wesak this year.


Phil said...

Happy Wesak to you. I hope you had an enjoyable and peaceful day.

bodhi said...

Hi Spud

Happy Wesak day to you too. I had a brilliant Wesak. It was a day of reflection for me. I had performed some of my songs too. Overall, very enjoyable.


M V Nathan

All of us are on a journey but do we set the directions ? said...

May we be less ignorant and more compassionate .

With Metta

bodhi said...

Well said Bro.Izzy. Well said!

M V Nathan