Friday, May 16, 2008

The Royal Commission's findings

Well if you have read any of the mainstream papers today, I am sure you would have noticed that the findings of the Royal Commission of Inquiry have been made public. Well done government of Malaysia. We the rakyat would have demanded nothing less. Maybe there is hope after all. Anyway if you have read the NST at page 4 under the column "WHAT THEY SAY" there is this quote of the present Education Minister. You know he was one of the flers who is infamous for waving his keris around at some meeting. For the record he has since apologised. Well not quite I think... well he did... and then qualified it.. So I dont knowlah. Well he may have , lets just leave it at that.
Anyway this was his quote " There should be no pre judging of any person. We do not want to penalise or pre judge anybody. Due process must be made available to them. They must not be pre-judged guilty". I couldn't help but smile when I read that. In fact I had wanted to burst out laughing.I would have expected him to be reported in the NST as to have been seen waving his keris about and demanding that the fiasco be investigated immediately and for charges to be brought against those responsible for this national shame. Ha-ha!!
I say that the only way we can move forward is to close this dark chapter in our nation's history. To do this our judicial system needs to be restored to its former glory. That would necessarily mean for a fair, thorough and expeditious investigation to be carried out into this fiasco. When the perpetrators are found the only recourse then would be to charge them in a court of law. We the Rakyat should demand nothing less I think.
M V Nathan

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