Wednesday, May 21, 2008

What's with the race issues?

Breaking free!!! Victorious over the divides of race!

Why are some of us so preoccupied with race issues? Really sad I tell you. After 50 years of Independence and we are still harping on the same issues. I think we as a nation have not progressed in many aspects; especially issues regarding race and religion. I may be wrong here but I think it is only the politicians that continually harp the race issues. I do not think the average Ah Seng, Samy and Ahmad on the street talks about these issues when they have their teh tarik and roti chanai together. Do they?
I think most people today talk about the rising costs of living and how prices of food stuff are affecting them. It is an undeniable fact that the prices of almost every necessity of life had gone up! Everywhere I go people of all races are talking about the same thing; rising costs and how it is affecting them!
This matter should be the concern of our politicians. This should be the paramount concern of politicians and the powers that be, if they are to have any relevance any more. What is the point of talking about the superiority of one race or the special privileges of any given race when he or she has no food on the table! When someone can't afford to get proper medical care for want of funds what is the point of telling him he has special rights under the constitution?
We have to start thinking out of the box and make Malaysia a wonderful home for all of us. Together we can. We must! Do we have a choice?
M V Nathan


All of us are on a journey but do we set the directions ? said...

If we start thinking as ourselves as Malaysian first and foremost, then the issue of race should not and never surface. After 50 years of independence, the racial card should be dead and buried.

With Compassion

bodhi said...

Well said Bro!!! Couldnt have said it better . Thks for making Malaysia a wonderful place. Together WE all CAN !!!

