Tuesday, July 22, 2008

"Benz maintenance cheaper than Perdanalah!"

"Perdana more expensivelah !!!

I cant help but laugh when I read about how the Terengganu Government is trying to justify its move to buy 14 Mercedes Benz (E200) estimated to be at a cost of RM3.42 million. They are saying that they have detailed proof of the service and maintenance of the Perdana cars. They are quoted to have said that maintenance of just two (2) cars since 2004 had come up to RM175,229 and RM132,357 respectively ! Wow ! Amazing isn't it ? Just where did they send their cars for service ? Japan or what ? Anyway,The rakyat here suffering and barely coping with all the price hikes and these monkeys want to buy Mercedes Benz cars on the Rakyat's expense!
Putting that aside I cant help but laugh when the PM no less was quoted to have insisted that Anwar gives fresh DNA samples to facilitate investigations. Dear Mr PM I don't think you have a clue as to what you are talking about! I am no DNA expert but I know that once you have done the DNA profiling of someone then it is a permanent record. You don't have to take fresh samples for DNA profiling every time. Mr PM you see it works like your blood group to put it crudely. Once you know your blood group then that's it! No need to take fresh samplelah every time. Anyway, wasn't all this done in 1998 ? Takkan rekod sudah hilang kot?
It appears that there is a very interesting issue brewing up north. The issue of road signs are getting some people all worked up in Penang. Some insist only Bahasa Malaysia can be used for road signs. They are even quoted to have said that the PR state government "not to play with fire in the matter". Of course these remarks come from the opposition in that statelah. My views are very simple on this. The more signs there are the better for the rakyat. If it helps the Rakyat get around then so be it. Are we not living in Malaysia touted to be "truly asia". So if we want to be truly asia then what is the big deal in having road signs in more languages than one. Penang being a major tourist destination can only benefit from having road signs in more than one languagelah! Hello you oposition politicians in penang so free one ah? Nothing to do is it?
Anyway that's my take on today's news. Till tomorrow then.
M V Nathan

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