Monday, July 21, 2008

I dont get itlah!

Justice through the eyes of politicians ?
Isn't it just weird ? I just don't get it. A man who is accused of sodomy is given so much coverage and airtime by the mainstream media. What's with that ? Look the way I see it there are far more important things for us to be worried about. The least should be about whether a 61 year old man got a hole in one on a youngster. So sorry to be crude here but its true.
I would have thought the police, ACA and the AG's chambers would have been more interested in the Lingam tapes fiasco. In that case the judiciary from the top down has been accused of some very serious charges. Didn't the Royal Commission make recommendations to investigate a number of prominent people in that fiasco ? Hello, what happened ? Why suddenly no more interest in that case any more ah? If all have forgotten, the judiciary today is at its lowest point. It is of paramount importance that we have this issue in the fore and not whether someone buggered some one else. The Judicial institution has been buggered,sodomised and raped that today it has lost all its former shine and glory. Instead of talking as to how we are to redeem the lost shine and glory of the Judiciary, today we are so caught up in the new sodomy allegations against that Anwar chap.
I say all our efforts should be concentrated on how to bring the people who were responsible for destroying the judiciary to book. We must insist that these people are sent to prison for a long time if proven guilty. The sodomy charge against Anwar pales in comparison to the charges of sodomy against the judiciary!
What say you ?
M V Nathan


Anonymous said...

We all don't get it. Even my doctor says it is all politics. And he knows about DNA..You don't need DNA samples. What about the DNA from the last time?? Clearly the governmentis desparate to cover something up..

bodhi said...

Your Doctor is absolutely right. Once the DNA profile is done it is a permanent record. Just like if your blood group is A+, negative or whatever. No need for fresh samples unless you want to use the samples for something else... Hmmm... Strange world we live in.