Sunday, July 13, 2008

What the devil is going on ?

Aiyoh! Kasi orang takutkah ?

I don't know about you all, but all the roadblocks set up by the police since the weekend is really annoying. What are these people up to ? Are they trying to create a level of fear in the people ? Why are they behaving like this ? So ridiculous I tell you.
Come off it all you boys in the blue. Stop taking orders blindly from the chaps in "power". Look you boys in blue are supposed to be the lead enforcement agency in upholding the rule of law in this country. If that is the case then stop being a mere political tool of the "powers that be in this country". You are here to make people feel safe and not the other way around! I believe you boys in blue are also supposed to maintain peace, public order and national security. All that you are doing presently is to create chaos and public disorder. If you boys have not noticed there are major traffic jams in and around the city centre today. You boys are causing more damage to the economy of this country then all the protesters that "plan" to go to parliament house possibly ever could.I wonder if there ever was such a plan in the first place ?
Even if a few thousand people were to assemble and shout themselves hoarse at Parliament house; how is it going to affect the security of this nation ? To create a chaotic situation in the city by having all these roadblocks on a Monday morning is definitely not in the cause of "National security"! This is an absurd state of affairs. Shame on you!!!
Whose interests, security and peace are you actually protecting ?
M V Nathan

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