Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A case of double standards ?

Aiyoh! Dia cakap boleh... lain orang tak boleh! Macam mana ni ?

I almost fell out of my chair this morning when I read the newspaper. Real funny..I tell you. The report is under the column "Shut up after handover, Dr M tells Abdullah". Read it to believe it for yourself. It is on page 4 of the NST.
Well if you believe the papers, apparently Dr M has told Pak Lah to shut up once he leaves office. Dr M is reported to have said " He must keep quiet and let Najib run the show". Ha-ha! Real funnylah this guy. He who was "Mr No holds barred" when it came to criticising the PM is now advising the PM to shut up after leaving office. This man after leaving office had been talking, talking and talking about everything under the sun. He can do this but Pak Lah cannot is it ? Why ah ? Why the double standards? Dia cakap boleh......Hmmmmm... hello... Democracy what ? Lupakah ?
Anyway, all this power transition does not detract from the fact that the BN practices gutter politics and is incapable of running this country.The policies of old and rather sad old tunes do not entice the rakyat anymore. Sadly the BN is still under the illusion that the rakyat has full confidence in it. I am sorry to break the bad news to them but I believe the mighty ship called "The BN" is sinking. It had struck a leak when it hit the massive iceberg on the 8-3-08! It is now leaking badly and is only a matter of time before the ship is going to sink to the bottom of the ocean!
Life boats anyone ?
Cheers !
M V Nathan

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i really hope someone will give Najib a fight on the UMNO presidency.

When you look at the candidates for deputy president, my god... is that all we have left for future PM? May be Rahim TC should also join the party to complete the wayang kulit..

Mr A - Jaga la melaka baik baik.. melaka yang kecik pun belum 10% of Spore, you sure malaysia boleh ke?

Mr M - MB time oso bring million million out of country.. WA... DPM or PM time, how ar?