Thursday, October 30, 2008

Justice or Just Ice ?

JUSTICE or JUST ICE ?I am so sorry to hear that Justice Ian Chin The High Court judge in Sarawak had tendered his resignation. I do not know the man personally nor have I appeared personally before him in court. The little that I know of him speaks a lot for the man. The allegations that he made against the former PM was "explosive" in nature. Justice Chin had accused the former PM of interfering and even threatening the judiciary whilst in office. If I remember correctly he even described the former PM as the "Devil incarnate". Anyway it appears that the government has decided not to investigate the allegations levelled against the former PM! Strange call this.... by the government .... or maybe I should have said ... so typical! Let us just sweep everything under the carpet and just forget that the problem exists. So typical. All that talk of reforms and better transparency and accountability is mere "cakap kosong".
Anyway the present PM when asked about abolishing (at the LAWASIA conference yesterday) the ISA had said this in response " As a former Home Minister I am well aware of the law and why we must have it. It is not an easy law to execute. Without fear or favour, I discharge my responsibilities" Mr PM .... all i can say is this......Ya rite !!! If you really mean what you say just get the former PM arrested and remand him for a week at least.......... with no bail. Give him the same treatment that the average Ali, Ah Seng and Raju gets when arrested by the police in this country. After that..... demand that the AG levels charges him in court for all the alleged wrongdoings of the past. Only then will I believe you. Otherwise I think you better stop talking rubbish! Betul bosanlah!
M V Nathan


Anonymous said...

With so much passion and views, start a partylah.

bodhi said...

Dear anon,

The only party I like now is "makan party"! Maybe that explains my size. Ha-ha!!

Start a party ? Hmmmmmmm... interesting idea.
