Sunday, March 1, 2009

The MIC joke!

This is the MIC today! No other words to describe the shame!

The NST carried the news about the MIED financial fiasco on its front page today. Absolutely shocking and downright disgusting!
It was reported that the MIC boss had called the MIED CEO a thief. Best stay seated for this one guys....the CEO then responds by saying that it takes a bigger thief to recognise one ! ABSOLUTELY SHAMEFUL! The funds in the MIED are said to be missing. Not one or two ringgit my dear friends but rather millions.The police is said to be investigating the fiasco. They are reported to have recorded the usual "statements". Lets just hope the boys in blue are as quick in solving this financial fiasco as they are quick in dousing certain people with water cannons!
The MACC says it is not going to investigate because the police is already investigating. It is reported that the MACC will only get involved if the police hands over the investigations to them. I better keep my views on this matter to myself for now! ......nah, I have to get it off my chest! I think the MACC should just continue its fine work in investigating into video tapes that say "correct, correct correct" and then when it has the time into some missing cows and car expenses!
The sad thing about all this is that, the Indian community are the sad losers in the end. Monies to be used to better the lot of Indians in the country have been squandered. People who had been entrusted with ensuring that the monies are spent responsibly and correctly are now pointing their twisted fingers at one another calling each other thieves!Shocking and absolutely shameful!

M V Nathan

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