Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Time to pray !

Maybe praying will make the nonsense stop!

I pray that the nonsense that is going on in the land of "Boleh" would stop soon. I pray that the insanity that has come upon our leaders would soon go away. I pray that common sense and compassion/kindness shall be the order of the day. I pray that no moron will make racist remarks anymore. I pray that the rule of law will be reinstated to its rightful place. I pray that the police shall actually use its powers to arrest crime and not to arrest/persecute selected people for having differing views. I pray that all the detainees of that law called the ISA shall be released immediately. I pray that there will be peace in the country where justice and freedom are treasured and jealously guarded by the powers that be i.e. the government. I pray that the government would stop hoodwinking the people. I pray that there will be no more colossal losses from nepotism,cronyism and corruption. I pray that the Judiciary will be restored to its former glory. I pray that the ACA will one day be truly free and feared and not continue to be a toothless pussy cat doing the bidding of its master. I pray that we Malaysians can live as brothers and sisters in this wonderful nation of ours. I pray that we all can live in harmony with equal rights as citizens of this nation. I pray that there will be a better Malaysia for my sons, their children and for all future generations to come.

With folded palms and head bowed low, I pray!

M V Nathan

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