Friday, October 10, 2008

Datukship for Shah Rukh Khan!

Please meet Shah Rukh Khan. Oh ya sorry.... Datuk Shah Rukh Khan!

The Malacca TYT has decided in his infinite wisdom to honour the above pictured man with a Datukship. This man is a well known Indian actor. I have to confess of having watched a few of his movies in the past. Quite a good actor too I must add.

The thing that bothers me the most about this award is this........ What has SRK done/contributed to deserve this award ? How has he improved the lot in Melaka that he is deserving of this award ? What has he done for the people of Melaka? What sort of selfless service has SRK given tirelessly to the state of Melaka and her people in the past?

Frankly I know not of any and I come from the state of Melaka. I haven't dengar apa-apa about what SRK had done for the people of Melaka in the past. I cant begin to believe that my home state is honouring SRK now! What is the basis of giving this award to SRK ? I thought you must have done something really invaluable for the people to be bestowed with a "Datukship". Maybe I was wrongly informed. Maybe these days it is just an award that is to be given indiscriminately and to just your "cronies" and fellas one likes! Quite a joke this!

Maybe next year we can award "Rajnikanth" that superstar from South India with Datukship for services rendered to mankind ? How.....bolehkah ?

Malaysia ini.......macam-macam ada!


M V Nathan


Anonymous said...

haha mate, i could not believe this morning when i first read this news too.. like you, i was thinking : WA!!!! if SRK can get Datukship for doing nothing for malaka.. i think i can get Tan Sri? at least i can name a few things i did for melaka gotong royong during school days at GBS.. playing rugby for my home state... BOLEH kah?

Anonymous said...

Nice picture, man...

Anonymous said...

Who cares about datukship. with that kind of physique, he is "body-ship' in my books. Hehehehe. - Chicken Rice SHop

bodhi said...

For you Hang Tuah....only the "Tun" is deserving!

Nice picture ? You should have seen my picture .......taken a few centuries ago that is! Ha-ha!!!
