Sunday, October 5, 2008

Shut him up we must!

Shut him up !
It is rather sad to note that RPK was brought to court in PJ to face charges under the Sedition Act this morning. Not only has he been incarcerated under the ISA at Kamunting now the sedition charges are proceeding as usual! Talk about overkill!I guess "they" have to shut him up ! At least that is how it appears to me. Sad....really sad.
In my mind I cannot begin to understand how any "government" would be capable of doing such a cruel act upon its citizen. All because he was different? In my humble view his only "crime" was to speak his mind. And for this he has to be incarcerated? Sad... really sad.
Then again..... if they can charge him in court for a sedition charge....why then cant they charge him in open court for all the other "charges" that has been levelled against him. Why should this man be denied his right to a fair trial?Is this man so dangerous that he is to be denied his right to defend himself? Sad....really sad.
M V Nathan


Anonymous said...

These ppl learn a lot from the Junta governent i guess....

bodhi said...

These people worse than the Junta!