Thursday, June 19, 2008

Jambuism - the new faith in town ?

All hail the infinite wisdom of the Jambu tree !!!

I am reproducing below an excerpt i took from my buddy Haris's post in the People's Parliament. Hey Haris, if you are reading this post sorry bro, didn't ask permission! Hope you don't mind. Tell you what bro, this is one nice story that I just had to put it here!

Imagine now that one Z, a bachelor with no family dependents, believes that the jambu tree in his garden is God. Every morning , Z wakes up, goes into his garden, prostrates before the jambu tree and gives thanks for the blessings he will receive and asks that he be given strength and courage to do what is good and right.
After his morning prayers, Z leaves his house and heads for his workplace of the last 30 years : an orphanage. Z teaches English to young orphans. Lunch is provided at the orphanage and in the evening, before he leaves for home, Z picks up two food packs. One for dinner that night and the other for breakfast tomorrow. That’s his wages for the day.
That, in a nutshell, sums up Z’s daily life.
Fast forward to judgment day.
Z’s turn is up and he is summoned into the judgment chamber.
He enters with great trepidation, expecting to see his familiar jambu tree.
No tree.
Nothing, except the sense of a Great Presence.
And then he hears judgment being handed down.
“Expecting a tree were you, you silly bugger! Go on, the door to heaven’s on the left”.

Tell you what, I really liked that story. To me it doesn't matter what or how we pray or even if we "pray"at all! What is more important is how we lead our lives. What is the point in being a so called religious person, praying all the time when our actions seem to be at total odds with all that religious fervour ? Do we really need to fight , quarrel and even kill one another merely because we have different faiths? I honestly think that religion is one of the main reason why there is so much conflict in the world today. Funny how many people are of the opinion that their faith is the only true religion. They also seem to think that that everyone else is doomed for refusing to adopt their "true" faith. To think of the wars that were fought in the past and continues to be fought in the name of religion today! Ah... All rather silly me thinks.
I think "Jambuism" illustrates the true path to "heaven"!!!


M V Nathan


Anonymous said...

Jesus Christ cursed the fig tree that was fruitless. The moral of the story is irrespective of our faith, let us bear good fruit..Jambu or not.

bodhi said...

Think you are right anon. Let us bear good fruits all the time... Jambu or not!
