Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Why only now Marina?

Aiyoh! Rumah sudah terbakarlah! Baru u sampaikah?
I read today's The Star newspaper and was quite surprised to read what Marina Mahathir had to say in her "Musings" column. Well it appears that Ms Marina would want the government to walk the talk. She says the government should "share our burden" and take steps to curb spending in view of the recent fuel hike.
I like the way she had gone out of her way to list 15 points/suggestions for the government to consider. No harm there right? Look I really like the suggestions just that I don't quite like the messenger. I know Marina is doing all that good work in raising awareness for the plight of people living with HIV/AIDS and all that. Well done on that. I mean it.
The problem here is this. WHY didn't she raise all these suggestions and get them published in the newspaper when her father was the PM? Why only now ? Is it because it is ok to bash the Abdullah administration? Didn't Abdullah inherit the rotten system from your father ? The way I see it the old man was responsible for all the excesses that we've come to lament so much now.
Did we really need the Twin Towers or Putrajaya for that matter. As a matter of fact, every time i drive into Putrajaya i have this nauseating feeling in my throat. I look around and see so few people on the streets. Isn't the place supposed to be the administrative capital of the government. Shouldn't this place be just teeming with activity ? To me, in my little eyes the place looks so very empty and dare I say even has a ghost town like feel to it. Did we really need a place where every other street lamp design is different from the other ? Marina, try asking the average Joe on the street what he thinks of Putrajaya. Ask him how convenient it is to get there. Chances are you would not like the answers!
Now tell me please Marina, did you advise your dad then against the many excesses and the abuses of power ? Did you also get it published in the newspapers ?
Anyway for whatever its worth, thanks for the list.
M V Nathan

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