Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Anwar the new PM ? Really ? Dont pray pray!

If it happens then the BN would be shell shocked!

Is it it possible ? Would there be crossovers from the BN to the Pakatan coallition ? Would history be made ? Would the opposition front really be governing this country come September ? Would Anwar be PM ?

I don't know any of the answers to the above questions. I am stumped. But many people I know are adamant that this man Anwar is going to be installed as the new PM of Malaysia come September! I don't knowlah. Simply just too much to digest these days. Anyway this man has to win the by election in Permatang Pauh this 26 first. Will he win ? It will take a very brave man to bet against this from happening. I am sure he will win. The only question is by what kind of majority ?

So come the 26/8/08 by my " crystal ball", Anwar should be back in Parliament. Well and good. Does that mean a better Malaysia for all Malaysians irrespective of race, creed and religion? Would it mean a better Malaysia where equal and fair oppotunities are given to everyone ? Real meritocracy paractised as opposed to the sham that is being practised now ? A better Malaysia in all aspects ? Hmmm....

Looks like we all have to wait and see how the story ends. I am hoping for a happy ending. For this I am keeping my fingers crossed. Maybe I should cross my toes too. Just to be on the safe side. You never knowlah with politics in Malaysia ..... "Semua boleh !!!"

M V Nathan

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