Friday, August 22, 2008

PM on the LRT

Wah ! So concerned for the Rakyat ! Only now Sir ?

My 12 year old son asked me a very interesting question regarding the above picture.This picture appeared in the Star newspaper recently. He asked me why are some of the people in the picture breaking the law ? I said what ?.. What do you mean ? Then he said this. "Were we not taught not to cross the yellow line at the LRT station ? Are there not signs to that effect at the LRT stations ? So why is the PM not doing anything about it ? Is he not concerned for the safety of the people who were clearly "overjoyed" to see him ? Why is the PM allowing these people to be law breakers ? Frankly, I had no answers. Sometimes kids see things that we adults just don't see. Hmmm.......

I guess in some small way this picture reflects the current rot in the country. It is an illustration of how you can get away with something if you are well connected. Remember the Lingam tapes ? Ah... so long ago. All is quiet now... hardly a word mentioned in the papers these days. Sad ! "Malaysia Boleh !!!" you say ?


M V Nathan

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