Friday, August 29, 2008

Really...... bosanlah!


I would have thought the new budget revealed in Parliament yesterday would have been earth shattering for the rakyat. Something that the Rakyat can really look forward in helping out in the difficult times ahead. Sadly on a personal note I am disappointed.
There are many reasons for this. Firstly, I am disappointed that cigarette prices are to be increased only 60 sen a pack. With all the health problems related to smoking I would have thought that the government would have come down hard on this sin tax. Sadly No! I think the increase of 60 sen would be negligible and would be hardly felt by smokers.
No increase in alcohol taxes ? Why ah ? To make a certain sizable part of the community happy is it ?
Less one percent of income tax ..... yeah at least I am happy here. Thanks gomen.
Wah... increased spending on transportation.... How much now... ya rite...35 billion RM to be spent. Why do I have this strange fear that come 2014 public transportation would still suck and the money would have been pocketed by some well connected persons. Maybe I should be optimistic and tunggu dan lihat. Nah... sure all go to waste onelah!
In fact I think instead of talking about the budget i should talk about the Auditor Generals report. From what I read of the report as "reported" by the New Straits Times from pages 12-13 the report is damning of the kind of wastage and blatant disregard for proper procedure in the public sector. That is why I say all the allocation is well and good, what happens after the allocations are made is the problem. Year in year out the same sort of report card is given by the AG but what happens then.... Absolutely zilch. Come the next year the same kind of report would be produced. Don't believe me ? Anyone wants a wager on this ?
Finally I think what the PM said in passing during his budget speech left me blinking in wonderment for a while. He said the BN won the elections and have the mandate of the people to run the country as they deem fit. No one is going to stop this in obvious reference to Anwar and gang. The thing that I would like to say here is this. Hello... sudah lupakah Parti Bersatu Sabah ? Did crossovers happen then ?Didn't defections take place then? All this despite standing against BN during the elections ? Were the people of Sabah cheated then ? Didnt the BN encourage it then ? Semua ini sudah lupakah ? Why the double standards Mr PM Sir ?
Cakap tak serupa bikin. Politicians....... Just cant trust them.
M V Nathan

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