Thursday, August 14, 2008

Its all about race and religion these days

Me stupid ? Nah....

I am sick to my bones these days! Everywhere I go the discussions are on the same thing. It is everywhere. It is in the papers, TV , Radio and even the Internet. Yup everything these days are about "Race and religion".
These two things can get so many people worked up into some sort of zombie like frenzy. Its true at least for me. You see..I cant help recalling images from the movies like Nightmare on Elm Street or even Friday the Thirteen when i see how some people react to certain issues concerning the two matters of late. I cant begin to understand why some behave the way they do.And mind you some are Y Berhormat's and lawyers and what not. The so called people that are supposed to have been educated and schooled in the best of universities and schools were seen behaving like common thugs and even criminals I dare say. When you hear these people speak you begin to wonder immediately ... Hey what happened to all that love and compassion that your religion teaches you ? Where is the understanding and tolerance that you claim your religion has taught you ? Why do you have to speak like that ? Why do you threaten to inflict violence on others ? Why ?
Some say we must forever close our universities. Some say we must forever fight and jealously guard our "rights". Some say we must forever be the "tuan". Some say you are the "guests" in the house and therefore have no rights over the house. They argue that the original Land lord is the only person who has rights. All you guests are merely afforded some "privileges" by virtue of being guests. As guests I guess what the land lords are saying is that maybe you guests should not overstay your welcome! All this after 51 years of Independence ? All this after working and toiling together to make this country what it is today ? I strongly believe that that there is no one single race that can take the credit for making Malaysia what it is today. It was a joint effort. Period. So why talk in terms of guest and land lords ?
These are the things that drive me nuts these days. In all the 51 years of independence I would have thought that the people of this country would have been able to sit down and discuss matters with open minds and of course in a civil manner. I guess sadly we as a nation have a lot more growing up to do. Maybe we are not ready to compete with the rest of the world. Maybe we are more comfortable in wanting to play "masak-masak" in our little backyard. Maybe we do not wish to progress and see that we become the model nation that we wish to achieve. Vision 2020 ? Nah.... More like we are just plain blind and stupid! Sad rather very sad.
Will we ever become a nation where everyone has an equal place under the Malaysian sun irrespective of race, creed and religion ?
"If we cannot love the person whom we can see, how can we love God, whom we cannot see ? " -Mother Theresa.
M V Nathan

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